TOP TRIZ Free Webinar
February 13, 2025
8AM - 9AM PST, Online
Designing Better Products Faster Using TRIZ
Wednesdays, April 2 - June 4, 2025
8AM - 12PM PST, Online
TOP TRIZ RCCA and Quality Improvement
Tuesdays, April 1 - June 3, 2025
8AM - 12PM PST, Online
Advanced Practice
TRIZ Course
Thursdays, April 3 - June 5, 2025
8AM - 12PM PST, Online
Certified TRIZ
Practitioner Course
Fridays, April 4 - June 6, 2025
8AM - 12PM PST, Online
We have transformed Classical TRIZ into TOP TRIZ, the most powerful and user-friendly modern generation of TRIZ.
TOP TRIZ offers the most advanced problem formulation techniques, including our Tool-Object-Product Function Modeling, and integrates further developed TRIZ methods into a single cohesive system.
TOP TRIZ has proven essential in solving challenging problems step-by-step and developing ideal solutions for improving quality, reliability, productivity, and reducing costs.
Our TOP TRIZ has helped customers win new orders, save hundreds of millions of dollars, improve product reliability, and protect their innovations with patents.
" The Basic TRIZ training course provided by Zinovy, uses his algorithmic flow and user friendly methods to guide the student through problem formulation, classification, and solution using the appropriate TRIZ tools to determine the best solution concepts. The course material is very well organized with examples detailing the use of each tool or principle. I found the course comprehensive and challenging. The Advance and Practitioner courses taught me greater understanding and developed my ability to apply TRIZ to real life problems. Since the Practitioner course I've applied TRIZ to solve problems, lead TRIZ workshops, and made presentations on the theory and benefits of TRIZ. In that time, Zinovy has continued to be an excellent mentor for me. I highly recommend his courses.
Ted Barnes
Associate Technical Fellow, Boeing Company
Certified TRIZ Practitioner
I have taken many professional development training courses over my career in science and engineering. I found the Basic TRIZ and Advanced Practice TRIZ courses to be the most useful, the most stimulating, and the most satisfying of these trainings. Although I have only been applying the techniques and algorithms for a few months, I have been able to find new solutions to chronic manufacturing problems in our plant. The process can be used on low tech and high tech levels. I have used the method from simply helping to take cost out of a manufacturing process to developing intellectual property based on new solid state physics.
Two features of TRIZ that I really find to be especially valuable are:
1) The functional analysis process forces you understand what the problem really is on a fundamental level.
2) The TOP TRIZ algorithm is complete. You can't miss what the general solutions are. You can be confident that if a solution to your challenge exists, you will find it."
Peter R. Menge, Ph. D.
Senior Scientist. Saint-Gobain Crystals
Are you looking for a no-compromises way employ all the benefits of classical TRIZ without all the down time to learn it? Then Zinovy’s TOP-TRIZ program may be for you. Zinovy is on a mission to bring the power of TRIZ thinking and tools to as many people as possible, as quickly as possible. To do this, he has leveraged his unique TRIZ master certification under founder Genrich Altshuller, to further evolve classical TRIZ into "TOP-TRIZ".
TOP-TRIZ combines "Tool-Object-Product" (TOP) modeling with Zinovy’s proprietary simplified methods of "ideal ways", "ARIZ", "Direct Ways", and root-cause analysis--to give TRIZ students the tools to quickly exercise the power of TRIZ in less time.
Mark Richardson
Lead Engineer, Supplier Liaison, The Boeing Company
Certified TRIZ Practitioner
" Zinovy is a truly amazing TRIZ educator, inventor, and problem solver. His series of TRIZ classes are the best, most useful, and most interesting classes I've ever taken (and like all engineers I've taken a LOT of classes, and then some). They will make you a much better and more inventive problem solver. Don't let the word 'Theory' in 'Theory of Inventive Problem Solving' fool you; TRIZ is a practical tool for solving all types of engineering, scientific, and business problems. For these reasons, and also because TRIZ Masters are very few and far between, if you have a chance to work with Zinovy, through his classes or through his consulting business, I highly recommend it.
Ross Blanton
P.E., Certified TRIZ Practitioner,
Mechanical Design Engineer, Boeing
I was first exposed to TRIZ in 1998, as an alternative problem solving method. After studying Altshuller's materials and the TRIZ journal, I took Zinovy's beginning level class in 2000, and pursued the Advanced Practice and the Certified TRIZ Practitioner Course 2014.
Zinovy's course materials include a summary of the methods in his 'TOP-TRIZ Problem Formulator', which contains a TOP-TRIZ Flow Chart, to provide a step by step process flow to problem formulation, classification, solution, and evaluation. This is a handy reference I rely on in my application of TRIZ to both practice and real-world problems.
I was most interested in the application of TRIZ to organizational conflicts and to software development. Although the course examples are focused on technical contradictions, I have been successful in extending Zinovy's analysis approach
Scott Button
PE, MSME, MSEM, Theory of Constraints Jonah
Certified TRIZ Practitioner
Boeing Special Invention Award, 2000, 2008, 2010, 2013
Patents #6,164,477, #6,325,568, #8,581,904, others pending
Associate Technical Fellow, Boeing
I am so glad that I attended your class in Seattle, Washington. I have been following the TRIZ development for some time. I like the way you conducting your teaching and more importantly. I also think that you made good contribution on developing TRIZ towards an exact science.
Your TOP (Tool-Object-Product) model is much cleaner than original substance-field model for functions, and based on this new model of functions, you can actually reduce the number of standard solutions, and make those solutions more independent from subject-of-matter knowledge. This is a 'trimming of unnecessary functions' of original TRIZ, make it more coherent and easier to use. Also, this new model for functions are very compatible with other commonly used function definitions of other field, such as value engineering, axiomatic design. So eventually, it will make TRIZ easier to be integrated with other methods.
Thank you again!"
Kai Yang, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Department
Wayne State University